60% of parents don’t know their kid is vaping.

Is your kid vaping? Statistics show many parents don’t know, while others are searching for support. Either way, the best thing you can do is talk to them. Find resources, conversation guides, interactive learning experiences and more below.

interactive learning

Learn the Truth Together

Discover facts, debunk myths and uncover the harmful tactics the tobacco industry uses to hook our kids. Walk through the interactive learning experience together.


Parents’ Ultimate Guide to Vaping

Vaping has exploded in popularity among teens, but most parents are in the dark. Do you know the warning signs? The health risks? Arm yourself with the life-saving knowledge you need to protect your kids.

get the facts

Quick Tips

Hear From a Mom

Conversation Tips

All About Vape Products

Hear From a Mom

Conversation Tips

All About Vape Products

vaping guide

Nicotine 101

There are several nicotine products on the market — each one tailored to target kids. Discover how nicotine impacts young brains, why it's so addictive and the tobacco industry's tactics to hook teens.

download your copy

Healthy Habits Start Young

Help your kids and teens live healthier lives and spark generational change. The TSET Healthy Youth Initiative uses public health education messaging, youth-led advocacy programs and character-building to affect positive behavior change.

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